About Course
‘Inkless Tattoo Applications’™
Module of Inkless Tattoo Applications,™ Paramedical Micropigmentation ‘Micro Wrinkle Plumping’ Treatments.
Imagine, over 3 decades, and, thousands of procedures, this is the most beneficial way to achieve awesome results in plumping up individual wrinkles!
- This simple process assists in restoring the integrity of the skin while it stimulates the collagen in the dermal layer of skin. This, in turn, plumps up the areas of concern.
- Skin Needling/ Facial Needling/CRT treats light scaring and fine to deep wrinkles. Using a machine for the CRT procedure, the needle cluster is gently inserted into the epidermis and top layer of the dermis.
- CRT promotes the natural reproduction of collagen and elastin, making the skin feel smoother and tighter. We treat only the area that needs attention.
- CRT will accomplish different effects
- Plumping up of facial and body wrinkles, acne scaring and skin depressions.
- Plumps up stretch marks
- Tightens lax tissue
- Tightens pores
- Optimizes cell function
- Increases elastin, collagen, fibroblasts and more
– Included In This Class Module:
- Benefits of ‘Collagen Rejuvenation Therapy’
- Myths vs Facts of Proper Depth of Needle Insertion
- Dermal Rollers – Not Getting The Results Compared to our ‘Inkless Applications’
- Contraindications
- Loss of Skin Elasticity
- BRONC Digital Machine – Superior results
- Thin vs Thick Epidermis
- 2 Types of Wrinkle Plumping
- 18 Illustrations of Skin Depth
- Precise ‘Micro Needle Plumping’
- How to Take Perfect Photos for Marketing
- Day by Day Description of Healing
- Best Needle Groupings For Wrinkled Target Areas
- Skinny on ‘Depth of Needle Insertion’
- Comparing Types Facial Rejuvenation Treatments
- Educators
- Tips & Tricks
- 48+ Awesome Pages of Info
We have divided our Inkless Applications, Paramedical Micropigmentation ‘Collagen Rejuvenation’ Classes into individual Modules to target your specific Paramedical Micropigmentation learning experience!
‘Inkless Tattoo Applications™’
Module PM 1 – Inkless Applications, Paramedical Micropigmentation ‘Micro Wrinkle Plumping’ Treatments
Module PM 2 – Inkless Applications, Paramedical Micropigmentation ‘Micro Feathering’ Treatments
Module PM 3 – Inkless Applications, Paramedical Micropigmentation ‘Scar Relaxation’ Treatments
Module PM 4 – Inkless Applications, Paramedical Micropigmentation ‘Hand & Body Rejuvenation’ Treatments
Module PM 5 – Inkless Applications, Paramedical Micropigmentation ‘Melanocyte Restoration’ Treatments
Module PM 6 – Inkless Applications, Paramedical Micropigmentation ‘Stretch Marks Rejuvenation’ Treatments
Course Content
Paramedical Micropigmentation Micro Wrinkle Plumping
Inkless Tattoo Applications ‘Micro Wrinkle Plumping’ Rejuvenation